Hot offers in Sofia, City Location, Bulgaria
Explore Sofia in a hire car
Bulgaria is littered with delicious restaurants and souvenir shops. Make sure you get to see it all by renting a car and choosing a convenient pick up point, e.g. City Location. This collection point has everything to get your trip underway. will help you make a reservation and tell you about special offers so you can save when hiring a vehicle from City Location.Other locations in this city:
Balkan Hotel
Bus Station
Business Centre Active
Downtown South
Grand Hotel
Hotel Hilton
Hotel Holiday Inn
Hotel Kempinski
Hotel Radisson
Hotel Sheraton
Ibis Airport Hotel
International Airport
Marinela Hotel
Moderno Predgradie
Railway Station
Ramada Hotel
Bus Station
Business Centre Active
Downtown South
Grand Hotel
Hotel Hilton
Hotel Holiday Inn
Hotel Kempinski
Hotel Radisson
Hotel Sheraton
Ibis Airport Hotel
International Airport
Marinela Hotel
Moderno Predgradie
Railway Station
Ramada Hotel