Hot offers in Sofia, Downtown, Bulgaria
Explore Sofia in a hire car
Who you travel with to Bulgaria isn’t as important as how you spend your time there. To see and experience all you can, rent a car from one of the many collection points on offer: e.g. Downtown. will assist you with everything you need to get your journey under way straight from the car rental office at Downtown.Other locations in this city:
Balkan Hotel
Bus Station
Business Centre Active
City Location
Downtown South
Grand Hotel
Hotel Hilton
Hotel Holiday Inn
Hotel Kempinski
Hotel Radisson
Hotel Sheraton
Ibis Airport Hotel
International Airport
Marinela Hotel
Moderno Predgradie
Railway Station
Ramada Hotel
Bus Station
Business Centre Active
City Location
Downtown South
Grand Hotel
Hotel Hilton
Hotel Holiday Inn
Hotel Kempinski
Hotel Radisson
Hotel Sheraton
Ibis Airport Hotel
International Airport
Marinela Hotel
Moderno Predgradie
Railway Station
Ramada Hotel
Rental companies:
The company is not very popular, but how many excellent offers are here !! I recommend to all friends
Vazha Khetaguri, 30 October 2018
Gave a good car, even did not expect
Yaroslav Maksimov, 30 October 2018
The best rental for long term rental!
Kirill Alekseev, 23 October 2018
My husband and I did not regret that they took a rental car in Bulgaria for holidays. Very comfortable if you stay for a long time.
Linda Williams, 22 October 2018