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Car rental in Moldova

Bookingcar offers a wide range of car rental options in Moldova
Here you can choose a car of any class that best suits your needs.
Our prices are one of the best prices on the market.
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Moldova photo

Popular cities:

Moldova is famous for its vineyards, medieval cathedrals, early Christian rock monasteries. There is still an imprint of Jewish and gypsy history. Local cuisine is also popular among tourists - a delicious combination of Turkish, Ukrainian, Balkan notes. The meat “chorba”, “tokana”, “sarlale” are beyond praise. In Moldova, wine tours are especially popular. Having rented a car, you should visit the National College of Viticulture and Winemaking, cellars and tasting rooms of Branesti cellars, the archaeological complex “Old Orhei”.

Holidays in Moldova

Balneological resorts


Cahul photo

In the small town of Cahul there is a sanatorium “Nufarul Alb”. Mineral water used in the treatment process has a beneficial effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral and central nervous system, and the gastrointestinal tract. This is possible due to the fact that its composition includes a wide variety of unique chemical elements. In addition, treatment is carried out using galvanization, amplipulse therapy, local darsovalization, ultrasound therapy, and many other equally effective methods.

Vadul Lui Voda

Vadul Lui Voda photo

After renting a car, go to the town of Vadul lui Voda (22 kilometers from the capital) in the sanatorium “Bucuria-Sind” to treat the endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal, urinary systems. It is located in the "National Park of Recreation and Tourism", therefore, in addition to treatment programs, wellness procedures, oxygen-enriched air will have a positive effect.


Dubossary photo

No less popular place to restore health is the sanatorium "Strugurash", which is located in the city of Dubossary. His profile is the treatment of the peripheral nervous system, gynecological and urological diseases, liver and gall bladder, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and musculoskeletal system. In addition, a beach area, a library, a games room with board games, and sports grounds are equipped. The sanatorium has all the conditions for a comfortable stay in any season.

Rules of the road, parking, toll roads

Toll roads

Road tolls in Moldova are charged only to owners of cars with foreign numbers. You can pay at customs posts or at authorized points. The cost of a pass vignette depending on the number of days can range from 4 euros to 85 euros.

Special Pay Roads

There are no roads with special payment in Moldova.

Speed ​​mode

  • In the village - 50 km / h
  • Outside the village - 90 km / h
  • By road - 110 km / h
  • On the highway - 110 km / h


The maximum allowable blood alcohol level is 0.0 ‰ .


When traveling by rental car, it should be borne in mind that paid parking is equipped in large cities of Moldova. Payment is made in equipped parking meters or directly to the parking lot employee.

Emergency and referral services

  • European emergency number 112
  • Fire Service - 901
  • Police - 902
  • Ambulance - 903

Car rental in Moldova with BookingCar - profitable, convenient, simple!

In case of any problems associated with the rental car, BookingCar will solve them as quickly as possible.

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All you need is to contact us.

© Anastasiia Voloshina, 2017

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