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Car rental in Sevastopol

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Sevastopol panoramic photo

Sevastopol is a hero city with a dramatic story that is impossible to forget. Memorial tablets and monuments to the defenders of Sevastopol remind us that in the 19th and 20th centuries it became an arena for fierce battles during the two wars - the Crimean and the Great Patriotic War. The city carefully preserves the memory of its past, but does not forget about the present: Sevastopol is actively developing and expanding, offering tourists good conditions for recreation, which, thanks to the local climate, has every chance of becoming ideal. In the vicinity of the city, as well as in its center, there are many memorable places where you can quickly and easily get to if you use the car rental service.


Bookingcar recommends:

Sevastopol Airport

Belbek Airport ( Belbek Airport )
IATA code: CBC
Location: 8 km from Sevastopol

Airport in the north-west of Sevastopol, based on the base of the Belbek military airfield. The airport is temporarily inactive, it is expected that it will be open in six months. The first flights will be charter.

What to see in Sevastopol: interesting sights of the city


Admiralty Cathedral of St. Vladimir

Suvorov 3 www.sntvladimir.ru/

Admiralty Cathedral of St. Vladimir photo

Orthodox cathedral in neo-Byzantine style, in which such prominent Russian admirals as V.A. Kornilov, V.I. Istomin and P.S. Nakhimov, who died during the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. (it is often called the "First Defense", so as not to be confused with the battles of 1941-1942). The temple dates back to 1825: Admiral A.S., commander of the Black Sea Fleet at that time, commanded it. Greig asked Alexander I to erect a monument on the site of Chersonesos, where Prince Vladimir was baptized. His petition was accepted, and in 1829 a competition was announced for the best design of the monument, which eventually decided to build in the city center. At that time, Admiral M.P. was in charge of the Black Sea Fleet. Lazarev (his burial is also located in the cathedral), and it was he who advocated a change of place, since at that time there were few Orthodox churches in Sevastopol. Construction began in 1854 and was suspended due to hostilities in Sevastopol. Under Soviet rule, in 1931, participants in the Osoaviahim (Society for the Defense, Aircraft and Chemical Construction Assistance) movement uncovered a burial vault and destroyed the remains of military leaders. In 1991, after a thorough examination of the crypt, fragments of the remains were found, which were buried with all honors a year later.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855."

Historical Boulevard 1

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855."  Photo

One of the largest panoramas in the world, a key object of the State Museum of Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol. It was created by the founder of Russian panoramic art, the master of battle painting F.A. Roubaud. The basis of his creation, he took the battle on the Malakhov Hill on July 6, 1855, when the Russian 75,000th army managed to repel the onslaught of the powerful 173,000th Anglo-French army. Work on the creation of the panorama began in 1901: in Sevastopol, the artist carefully studied historical documents, talked with participants in those dramatic events and visited the places of military operations in order to get a complete picture of what was happening and convey it to the audience in great detail. In 1904, on the 50th anniversary of the defense of the city, the panorama was open to visitors. The best reward for the artist was the reaction of veterans of the Sevastopol battles, who were incredibly touched by the monumentality, expressiveness and historical authenticity of the work, and now evokes awe and a deep respect for the dead. In 1942, during the shelling, a bomb hit the panorama building, the canvas caught fire and lost some of its parts, which were later restored from archival photographs. Of course, not without new artistic solutions and scenes that were absent on the original canvas of Roubaud. In the niches of the panorama museum building you will see busts of the heroes of the battle for Sevastopol: at least for a few minutes linger in front of them in order to honor the memory of the brave defenders. and now causing awe and a feeling of deep respect for the dead. In 1942, during the shelling, a bomb hit the panorama building, the canvas caught fire and lost some of its parts, which were later restored from archival photographs. Of course, not without new artistic solutions and scenes that were absent on the original canvas of Roubaud. In the niches of the panorama museum building you will see busts of the heroes of the battle for Sevastopol: at least for a few minutes linger in front of them in order to honor the memory of the brave defenders. and now causing awe and a feeling of deep respect for the dead. In 1942, during the shelling, a bomb hit the panorama building, the canvas caught fire and lost some of its parts, which were later restored from archival photographs. Of course, not without new artistic solutions and scenes that were absent on the original canvas of Roubaud. In the niches of the panorama museum building you will see busts of the heroes of the battle for Sevastopol: at least for a few minutes linger in front of them in order to honor the memory of the brave defenders.

Malakhov Kurgan

st. Istomina


Malakhov Kurgan photo

A place glorified by the exploits of the Russian army during the defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. and the heroism of the Soviet troops, which in 1941-1942. fought here with the German invaders. The mound owes its name to captain M.M. Malakhov, the commander of the naval crew, respected among his colleagues and the local population, who was often turned for advice and help. The first mention of this area as the "Malakhov Kurgan" is found on the general plan of the city in 1851. The main monument of the memorial complex is the defensive tower of the Kornilovsky bastion, where a branch of the State Museum of Heroic Defense and the Liberation of Sevastopol is now open. Be sure to visit this museum, which stores a collection of valuable artifacts of those times.

Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

Lenin 11

Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet photo

The Museum of the History of the Black Sea Fleet occupies a beautiful classical building with columns and cast-iron figures depicting guns and parts of ships covered with bronze banners. Pay attention to the number 349 on the main facade - it indicates the number of days that the First Defense of Sevastopol lasted. The museum exposition tells about the history of the Russian fleet, starting from the era of Peter I and ending with the present. The collection contains personal belongings of V.A. Kornilova and P.S. Nakhimov, who led the defense of Sevastopol, paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky and F.A. Roubaud, naval weapons and many other things by which you can study the history of the Black Sea Fleet. We advise you to take a guide to get detailed historical information and find out interesting facts about the exhibits.

Graf Marina

Prospect Nakhimova 4

Graf Marina photo

Walking along Nakhimov Avenue, be sure to go to Grafskaya Marina - one of the first buildings of the city. It arose in 1783 and was the point connecting the city with the fleet. Initially, the marina looked like a simple wooden pier. In 1787, when Catherine II arrived, she was ennobled and a stone staircase was built here, on which tourists now like to be photographed. They began to call the “Count's” marina thanks to Count M.I. Voinovich, commander of the Black Sea Fleet in 1789-1790, who moored here when he returned from his home on the North Side. The current appearance of the marina was given by the architect John Upton, who conceived it as the main entrance to the city from the sea.

In the vicinity of Sevastopol: the best automobile routes


Museum complex "35th Coastal Battery"


Museum complex "35th Coastal Battery" photo

Having rented a car, go to the 35th Coastal Battery memorial complex, built on the site of the last line of defense of Sevastopol 1941-1942. Armored battery number 35 was considered a powerful construction of coastal defense of the Main base of the Black Sea Fleet. During the events of 1941-1942. battery number 35 to the last reflected the attacks of opponents and did not retreat, even when it became clear that the German troops are stronger and better armed. The modern museum complex invites visitors to get acquainted with the history of the battery and remember those who died under enemy fire. The memorial includes a mass grave, a chapel built on the site of the battery of soldiers, the Pantheon of Remembrance, the Necropolis, a map of the defensive structures of Sevastopol and several other buildings that preserve the memory of their heroic defenders.

Diorama “Storming the Sapun Mountains May 7, 1944”

Sapun Mountain

Diorama “Storming the Sapun Mountains May 7, 1944”  Photo

Having driven a rented car about 12 kilometers from the city center, you will find yourself on Sapun Mountain, where fierce battles were fought during the defense of Sevastopol and its liberation in May 1944. The diorama is a semicircular two-story building: on the first floor a small museum is opened, and on the second there is a huge picturesque canvas dedicated to the liberation of Sevastopol. The peculiarity of this work is that people in the foreground are depicted in full size, which enhances the impression of the diorama. We advise you to go up to the observation deck to see the very area captured by the author on the canvas.

Skelskaya cave

Skelskaya cave photo

The cave is 670 meters long, formed due to a tectonic fault and consisting of several halls decorated with stalactites, stalagmites and sagging of various shapes and sizes. During a tour of the cave, you will follow the route leading into the depths of the mountain and stop in such rooms as Fireplace, Dolphin, Knight's, Organ and Ghost Hall. You can quickly get to Skalskaya Cave by car, there are signs along the entire stretch of the road, so there will be no problems with the road.


Balaclava photo

A cozy settlement and a popular Crimean resort, which until the mid-50s had the status of a city, and now is part of the Balaklava district of Sevastopol. Tourists love this pretty area for its beaches with beautiful views, the cliffs at Cape Ayia, where you can have a great time alone with the bewitching sea, and a large number of ancient buildings dating back to different eras in the history of Crimea. We advise you to visit the ruins of the Genoese fortress of Chembalo, the temple of the Twelve Apostles (the original building dates back to the middle of the XIV century) and take a walk along the embankments - Tavricheskaya and Nazukina - from where you can catch a boat and go, for example, to one of the local beaches. If you rented a car, then you will not have difficulties with parking in Balaklava: watch for the parking signs and do not forget to ask the parking lot for documents.

Inkerman St. Clement Cave Monastery

Inkerman St. Clement Cave Monastery photo

A unique monastery in Inkerman, hidden in the recesses of the Monastery Rock, on whose board there are ruins of the medieval (VI century) fortress of Kalamita, associated with the veneration of the Roman Bishop Clement, who was exiled for preaching to the Chersonesos region. The exact time of the emergence of the monastery is unknown: someone speaks of the VIII-X centuries, and someone believes that it belongs to the period of the XIV-XV centuries. After the Turks captured Kalamit fortress in 1475, the monastery was launched, and the fortress was renamed Inkmerman. In 1850, the monastery was revived and given its double name - Inkerman St. Clement - in honor of the city and St. Clement. The territory of the monastery is incredibly picturesque, do not miss the view of the lake that arose at the beginning of the 20th century at the site of the holy spring, and pay attention to the belfries protruding from the cliff with bright domes.

Food: atmospheric restaurants, cafes and bars


Historical Boulevard 3 http://ostrovcafe.com/

"Island" photo

Stylish restaurant inspired by minimalist style. Dark wood, soft armchairs in the English style, laconic gray lamps, black and white drawings on the walls and a large wine cabinet as a reminder that even the simplest dish will sparkle in a new way with a glass of good wine. Dishes are prepared from local farm products, which affects the quality and taste of food - there is nothing to complain about. In fine weather, ask the waiter to accompany you to a table on the terrace - a beautiful view of the bay will add romance to your dinner.

Wine room

Admiral Pereleshin Embankment 3 http://wineroom.su/

Wine Room Photo

Another non-standard place for Sevastopol with an amazing atmosphere and an interesting menu that completely submits to a noble drink - wine. The sommelier helps visitors choose the wine and selects the combination that suits their dishes. For the main dishes, we recommend trying a bruschetta with rabbit paste, duck fillet with orange crumbs and vegetables and chicken gratin schnitzel. Wine Room often hosts jazz parties and screenings of old films, so that visitors are guaranteed not only delicious food and drinks, but also pleasant entertainment.


Captain 2 www.brsystem.ru/

Barkas photo

Popular among the local fish restaurant serving the best dishes of the Black Sea cuisine. Friendly waiters in vests deftly move between the tables, delivering large plates with raps, mussels, red mullet and salmon steaks, from which there is such an aroma that it is simply impossible to resist. In addition to seafood, Barkas also offers meat dishes - for example, pork ribs, veal tenderloin skewers and pork in honey-mustard sauce. The wine list, as expected, consists of locally produced wines. Prices are not scary, but rather, only have the option to order several dishes.

Dumpling "Victory"

Prospect Nakhimova 10, Descent of Aivazovsky 3, Vakulenchuk 29 (TC "Monsoon") www.brsystem.ru/

Varenichnaya “Victory” photo

In the Pobeda dumpling, guests are invited to plunge into the atmosphere of the Soviet past and recall the times of red pioneer ties, floral services, vinyl records and films of Eldar Ryazanov. The menu consists of dishes that are dear to the heart and stomach, which have already become classics for entire generations: Olivier, herring under a fur coat, borsch, Kiev cutlets, dumplings and dumplings, served on a plate in red and white peas or in a pot. A retro lunch in the spirit of “first, second, third and compote” will cost about 500 rubles - not at all expensive for such a romantic trip in the good old days.


Kornilova Embankment 3, Vakulenchuk 29 (Musson Shopping Center) www.gastra.com.ua/en/koffishka/

"Coffee" photo

For coffee and delicious desserts, we advise you to look in the “Coffee” - a small network café that looks like a wooden coffee grinder. Here you can choose any kind of syrup for any kind of coffee to diversify the already familiar taste. Locals praise caramel latte, hazelnut cookies, brownies and strudel. You can take coffee away or take a slow drink at a table on the embankment if you suddenly find yourself in Koffishka on Kornilov Embankment.

Where to live: comfortable hotels in Sevastopol


"Sea extravaganza"

Bobkova 11, bldg. 5
+7 918 325 5777 www.hotel-mf.ru/ apartments - from RUB 4250

"Sea extravaganza" photo

Spacious guest house in the reed bay. Wonderful views, bright rooms with their own kitchen and a balcony, a rooftop pool where you can have a barbecue - the Sea extravaganza has a wonderful homely atmosphere, which together with the sea air and a sense of complete serenity creates a wonderful mood for relaxation. If you are traveling in a rented car, do not forget to pre-book a parking space that guests can use.

Hummingbird Villa

pos. Uchkuevka, Klenovaya 6
+7 926 583 4727 www.villacolibri.ru/ double room - from RUB 3600

Villa "Hummingbird" photo

Cozy villa on the coast in the village of Uchkuevka. Rooms with large comfortable beds, small balconies and panoramic sea views. To services of visitors - three pools, a sauna, a massage office, a gym and billiards. At the reception you can book tours of Sevastopol and the surrounding area, as well as book a table in any restaurant in the city. For those who rent a car, free parking is provided.


Heroes of Stalingrad 22
+7 978 786 5987 www.optimahotel.ru/en/ double room - from RUB 2900

Optima photo

Hotel Optima is located in the reed bay, in a quiet area near the center of Sevastopol. Spacious rooms in beige and blue with classic amenities. The price includes breakfast with a large selection of dishes. The hotel has a lounge area with a bar where you can have a drink and a snack until late in the evening. Free parking is available on site where you can leave your rental car.

Park Hotel

Admiral Fadeev 48
+7 978 804 3828 www.parkhotelsevastopol.ru/ double room - from RUB 2490

Park Hotel photo

Park Hotel is located in a park area a 10-minute walk from the beach. Minimalist design rooms with large floor-to-ceiling windows and underfloor heating in the bathrooms. On request, special orthopedic pillows can be provided. For those who have used the car rental service, free parking is available nearby.

Sand Bay

Efremova 38
+7 978 975 5535 www.sandbay.ru/en/glavnaya_stranica/ double room - from RUB 2080

Sand Bay photo

The Wellness complex Sand Bay is located next to the Tauric Chersonesos Nature Reserve, just 50 meters from the sea. The hotel has a large picturesque park with fountains, many benches framed by flower beds and thick trees, a peacock, a tennis court, a children's and volleyball courts. The design of the rooms is done in soft beige shades, most of the rooms have sea views. The hotel's restaurants offer a personalized menu such as diet or vegetarian. Guests with rental cars have the opportunity to reserve a paid parking space.

Where to park a rented car in Sevastopol

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Ellina Rudenko, 2016

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